Our Approach
The Fuel Club is the largest fuel buying group in NH. In recent years, we have added other fuel dealers to reach out to a broader membership both in geographic locations and membership base. Members can now receive discounted pricing with Irving, Suburban Propane, Eastern Propane, and HB Energy Solutions. All four companies offer full service (24 hr) and all fuel types: # 2 heating oil, propane.
We strive to supply our members with companies that provide us with all fuel products and full service with auto delivery by degree days. Membership in The Fuel Club does not guarantee or imply that your current supplier will continue to serve your fuel needs. The Fuel Club assigns your fuel supplier by availability of contracted gallons and geographic location.
These companies do not offer identical discounted pricing programs, however all of them do give our members discounts on fuel products purchased during the contracted heating season. Members need to have established accounts with one of our suppliers prior The Fuel Club securing fixed adder or fixed pricing contracts in order to participate.
We do not recommend one fuel supplier over the other as our member's preferences may differ across locations and product needs.
If you are not currently a member and would like to understand your choices for saving, Please visit our Supplier page to determine which supplier's service area you live in.