
Celebrating 27 years of saving our members money on their heating bills!

Welcome to The Fuel Club, the largest fuel buying group in NH. We offer our members the opportunity to purchase heating fuels at a discounted price. In recent years, we have added other fuel dealers to reach out to a broader membership both in geographic locations and membership base. Members can now receive discounted pricing with Irving, Suburban Propane, Eastern Propane, and HB Energy Solutions. All four companies offer full service (24 hr) and all fuel types: # 2 heating oil, propane.

Current Members

** Current Members who are Irving Customers With fuel prices increasing daily, we are recommending locking your pricing in with a pre-buy or budget pre-buy program. Visit our supplier page to learn how to participate in a pre-buy program.


Have a new address, e-mail or phone number?

Please be sure to send us an email with your updated information including any supplier changes, fuel type changes, and current account numbers. Remember your account number with your supplier is different from your membership number with us! Always use your membership number when corresponding with us. Please direct correspondence to: jerry@thefuelclub.com.

New Members

We are now accepting enrollments for the 24-25 Heating Season. If you are a current member, we will begin mailing renewal enrollments shortly. We will continue to accept enrollments until otherwise posted here.

New Member Enrollment Form

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